Now a days DC inverters AC units are setting trends in Pakistani market, the AC manufactures are targeting the customers by claiming these AC's as "Energy Saving AC".
We have published about the DC Inverter AC Technology back in 2012, when Dawlance launched Pakistan's first DC Inverter AC.
If you want to know about the DC inverter technology and how it works, you are recommended to go through this article (linked above).
And know, in this article we are going to discuss about the power consumption of DC inverter AC and which type of UPS is best for it.
DC Inverter AC Power Consumption:
Cooling Capacity (Ton)
Operating Voltage (AC)
Average Power Consumption (Watts)
Average Running Current (AC Amperes)
1 Ton
230 Volts AC
690 Watts
3 Amps.
1.5 Ton
230 Volts AC
1035 Watts
4.5 Amps.
2 Ton
230 Volts AC
1610 Watts
7 Amps.
The amperes of these ACs varies according to the temperature you have set on your AC. If, when you start the AC, the room temperature 40ºC and the temperature set on AC is 26ºC then AC will work on full power or full amperes until the desired temperature is achieved by it. After achieving the desired temperature the AC will start maintaining that temperature by lowering its compressor motor speed and start consuming minimum power and this is the true power saving mode.
In simple words the speed of DC Inverter AC's compressor depends upon the temperature. On low speed compressor consumes minimum power.
DC Inverter AC Operation on UPS:
Yes, due to its low power consumption, the DC inverter AC can be easily operated on UPS, Pure-Sine-Wave UPS is recommended. Solar UPS or Hybrid Solar Inverters usually have pure sine wave output.
Also Read: How to Reduce Electricity Bill by using Solar and WAPDA at same Time
If you want to run your AC on UPS or Inverter then always connect it with a ups with 50% higher power rating. For 1-Ton AC use at least 1000-Watts UPS for 1.5-Ton AC use 2000-Watts UPS and for 2-Ton AC go for 3000-Watt UPS.
Always try to put the minimum load on the UPS on which the AC is connected. The more load on UPS or battery the lesser its life.
The purpose writing of this technical article is only to guide you about the ways to save power by using DC inverter AC and to save power for your nation. PAKISTAN.
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